in the heART of the CITY.

I landed in Savannah town just over three years ago. I took a taxi from the airport, that dropped me to the steps of a foreign residence on the east-side of 40th street. I had to wait on the porch with my three trunks. The real estate agent came an hour later with the keys to my new life. From my stoop I watched the cars pull in and out of the barber shop parking lot, where they went in BoyZ and left MEN. The constant flow of traffic to the corner liquor shop, Cha Del's provided an interesting introduction to the neighborhood. It was hot and sticky that September afternoon. I had sold my old car, took a midnight flight from Seattle, to start the life I have always dreamed of. Life at the moment was so surreal, the sounds, the sights and emotions. I was greeted immediately by the woodworker across the way, offering me a soda (Coke). I decline respectively, I am a Northwest girl raised on powdered milk, liquid calcium and cabbage salad, soda was a foreign language. At that moment I was re-evaluating this town I choose to create in. However, the attraction to Savannah was undeniable.
I have walked and run this town absorbing all that it has. Savannah has a certain grit that gets under your skin. He is rough around the edges, with visible scars marking the long history of the past. He is forlorn and distressed but far from empty and run down. His spaces are mysterious and haunted with a deep soul which vibrates your eyes and chills your body. He often invites you to climb in, explore and live in the energy. His energy is welcoming with a gentle politeness that contrasts and confuses, because of the known danger in his streets. Savannah is raw, real and indescribably beautiful. He seems to have limitless potential for growth and development even within the square boundaries that hold you in. Savannah crept into my heart and if I ever choose to leave I shall always be his.


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